About Curator管理人について
Thank you for visiting Yadamon Digital Archives! I'm Russ, a curator of this archive.
As a school kid I went straight home without hanging out just to watch Yadamon.
We didn't have a privilege of internet back then so I was dying for any information of my beloved anime.
Now I can see many fan art and even rare fan collectibles on internet so I'm basically very happy but
at the same time I am very disappointed that digital asset stays as it is for very short amount of time.
It's been already decades since the show ended, and it was clear that unless someone collects the data
the precious images of our fandom will be going and going..and gone someday.
This is why I started out my own archiving website.
Please! If you have any image (i.e., a scan, collectibles, or your fan art!) DO share it with me.
Looking forward to hear from you on twitter!
ファンアート、収集物などの画像をお持ちでしたら ツイッターのアカウントまでお手数ですがおしらせください!